This post appeared first in portuguese here.

The public nominated, the ES Media team and the IBM Venture Capital counted the votes and the information about the nominees and, today, we publish the list of the 17 most influencers in Digital Health in Latin America. Approximately, 70 names were remembered and we got to the 17 final ones.

This list was sent today to a judge panel in the Sillicon Valley who will chose a top 10 until next week and the nominees who are at the dinner on March 20th will vote and know who is the winner.

The judicial panel includes: Lisa Suennen, Venture Valkyrie Consulting LLC (ex-venture capitalist no Psylos Group); Juan-Pablo Mas, Lightstone Ventures VP; Julie Papanek, Healthcare Venture Capital do Canaan Partners; e JC Simbana, Life Sciences & Digital Health do Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) VP.

Check the list with the nominees and if you didn’t buy your tickets for this dinner, I would not lose this level of networking.


(alphabetical order)

1 – Alejandro Mauro (Chile)

National Coordinator for Health Information Standards at Ministerio de Salud de Chile

2- Alvaro Margolis (Uruguay)

MedInfo, VP / International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA)

3 – Camila Crispiniano (Brazil)

Brazil eHealth Selfcare Division VIVO/ Telefonica

4 – Daniel Branco (Brazil)

Medicinia, CEO and founder

5 – Daniel Wjuniski (Brazil)

MinhaVida, CEO and founder

6 – Edson Bueno (Brazil)

Amil, founder

7 – Felipe Cabral (Brazil)

iShareLife, CEO and founder

8 – Fernando Fernandes (Brazil)

Sautil, founder; Maat Health Intelligence and Questia Brasil

9 – Gustavo Mamão (Brazil)

Entrepreneur and Ecovec owner,

10 – Katia Galvane (Brazil)

Director of eHealth business development at VIVO/ Telefonica

11 – Leonardo Pereira Florêncio (Brazil)

ePrimecare, CEO and founder

12 – Lincoln Moura (Brazil)

Senior Manager na Accenture / International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) President;

13 – Magdala de Araújo Novaes (Brazil)

Specialist in Healthcare IT / Professor at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

14 – Mauricio De Lazzari Barbosa (Brazil)

Bionexo, CEO

15 – Paulo Magnus (Brazil)

MV Sistemas, president and founder

16 – Ricardo Santoro (Brazil)

Hospital Israelista Albert Einstein, CIO

17 – Telmo Pereira (Brazil)

Amil, CIO.

What impressed us about the result was the balance in this list. The final composition included the billionaire Edson Bueno (who has, nowadays, natural influence in anything in regards to Healthcare and, in IT, it would not be different) and, on the other hand, smaller startup entrepreneurs (Daniel Branco, Leonardo Florencio, Felipe Cabral, Gustavo Mamão e Fernando Fernandes), maybe showing the common belief that those small businesses have the potential to grow faster and faster, becoming more influents. Maurício Barbosa, from Bionexo, Paulo Magnus from MV Sistemas and Daniel Wjuniski from MinhaVida were also nominated, being part of an intermediary group of entrepreneurs, since they have already reached a more significant port.

The list is composed by 3 representative Health companies CIOs, Telmo Pereira, Ricardo Santoro e Alejandro Mauro (Amil, Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital, in Brazil and Alemana Clinic, in Chile, respectively) and, at the same time, by 3 more academic profiles, such as IMIA President and VP (Lincoln Moura e Alvaro Margolis, respectively) and Professor Magdala Novaes, from UFPE, NUTES director, well-known Telehealth nucleus in brazilian Northeast.

Finally, 2 nominees work at the same company, Katia Galvane and Camila Crispiniano, who are leading interesting initiatives in healthcare in one of the 10 biggest brazilian companies, Telefonica VIVO.

The nominees who are at the dinner will chose a winner, who will meet the other steps winners in different continents for the Global Gathering, in Dublin, on May 31st, at the IBM Venture Capital Headquarter.

The dinner, on March 20th, in Brazil, will happen at Tofiq House, the first artists incubator in Latin America, in partnership with Brazil Founders, an investors group that includes Intel Capital, Initial Capital, Temasek Holdings, Arpex Capital, Accel Partners and others.

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