Hey Innovators,
Just like this past Sunday’s full page article at Folha de SP – “Startup Brasileira atrai capital estrangeiro”, we will continue this conversation on BRNewTech. We are putting together an AMAZING panel of entrepreneurs who have raised significant capital and are scaling their startups in Brazil.
Confirmed entrepreneurs are:
– www.baby.com.br – Davis Smith
– www.bestcoolfungames.com – Guilherme Schvartzman
– www.fashion.me – Flavio Pripas
– www.kekanto.com.br – Fernando Okumura
Speaking of money, 500 Startups just finished the current accelerator batch with the two Brazilian companies – www.contaazul.com and www.rotadosconcursos.com.br who just returned to Brazil with more money! So this coming event, we will be focusing on pitching too! Please submit your pitch at [masked].Make sure you send a 2 minute video this time and a presentation of your startup.
Special thank you for Microsoft for hosting this BRNewTech – please note the new location and that we can’t put more than 220 people, so don’t wait to RSVP this time.
Av. Nacoes Unidas, 12.901
Torre Norte, 27 andar
Sao Paulo
Also, you should definitely take a look at Singularity University/Fiap program (Call for innovation)
BRNewTech team