About the Conference
As a result of the Brazilian economy’s vigorous expansion, the country is witnessing the biggest sociological phenomenon in its history: the rise of a 100 million person middle class. This new robust middle class demands more and better healthcare services, proven by the double-digit growth within the Brazilian pharmaceutical, health insurance and laboratory sectors over the past seven years. The increased demand, originating from this rapidly expanding middle class and an aging population, has created the ideal environment for massive investments and deals in the healthcare market.
However, global investors face complex legal challenges specific to the Brazilian healthcare market. Without the correct interpretation of Brazilian law and a thorough understanding of how to structure investment and M&A deals, foreign investors limit their chances of success. Furthermore, it is critical for investors
to understand how to meet the specific criteria established by Brazil’s National Development Bank (BNDES) to access the $3.75 billion made available for financing healthcare through 2012.
Investing in Brazilian Healthcare will be an in-depth examination of the most active and lucrative healthcare sectors in Brazil, including the pharmaceutical, hospital, health insurance, clinical laboratory, medical equipment and drugstore sectors. Foreign investors, private equity players, capital providers, financiers
and investment bankers interested in learning how to navigate the Brazilian healthcare market will hear the latest and most valuable information on investment opportunities, important policy considerations, upcoming Constitutional changes, market peculiarities and successful healthcare investment cases from Brazilian industry experts.
Don’t miss the Post-Summit Legal Forum: Legal Issues on Investing and Expanding Business in Brazilian Healthcare that will address key legal issues regarding investing and expanding business in Brazilian healthcare, and answer investor questions and concerns.
Fernando Cembranelli
Equipe EmpreenderSaúde