The conference was was a clear demonstration that the impact of digital health is not restricted only to the developed countries, but affect the developing economies, as well.
The conference was opened by Brazilian Health Minister Alexandre Padilha and had the presence of many international speakers, such as Mathew Holt, Health 2.0 co-founder, Sarah Holloubek, from Luminary Labs, Diego Miralles, from Janssen Innovation, Unity Stoakes, from Startup Health and Martin Kelly, from IBM Ventures, among many others.
From the brazilian side, the conference had the presence of great speakers, such as Luciana Holtz, from Instituto Oncoguia, Fernando Fernandes, from Saútil, Otávio Clark, from Evidências Científicas, Luciana Guimarães, from Integra Medical, among many other speakers.
The conference was a landmark in Brazil, because it’s not usual to have healthcare innovators from all over the world coming to Brazil, as well as to have brazilian digital health innovators, such as Priscila Torres, from Blog Encontrar coming together to share their experiences.
Sarah Holloubek from Luminary Labs shared her experience regarding the importance of open innovation in health care and how can traditional healthcare companies be more cooperative and innovative by adopting partnerships with startups and the public in general, by engaging with them through challenges and prizes. She mentioned Sanofi and how the company understood that by sponsoring challenges, it would be closer to the breakthroughs in the diabetes space and how it was not in the best interest of the company to hold the intelectual property from the creations made during the process.
On the second day, Gil Giardelli from Gaia Creative, brought interesting reflections about the power of internet and social media and how our relation with our health will encreasingly pass through the digital space. As an example, he brougth the GigaOM shirt, which measures your heart rate, respiratory frequency and ECG. This shirt will have a significant impact on the care for the elderly and in the training of athletes.
Health 2.0 Latin America 2013
We look forward for the next Health 2.0 Conference in Brazil with the certainty that is necessary for Latin America to exchange intensively with other countries, in order to be succesful in the digital health era.