Sendo muito honesto com vocês, o Empreender Saúde tem relatado uma série de trajetórias de empreendedores de saúde brasileiros desde o seu início. Já levamos em nossos eventos, Gustavo Guida Reis do Help Saúde e relatamos o caso da Solar Ear de Howard Weistern, porém os grandes empreendedores brasileiros de saúde são de setores extremamente tradicionais, hospitais, planos de saúde, indústria farmacêutica. É como se estivéssemos nos EUA do Século XIX e as fortunas viessem do aço, do petróleo e dos bancos. O Brasil está há anos luz de ter um Vale do Silício de Empresas de Saúde, não por falta de capital ou de capacidade, mas por falta de um meio que dê suporte e oportunidades para os empreendedores de Saúde 2.0.

Para ajudar a mudar este cenário, o EmpreenderSaúde gostaria de divulgar o Health 2.0 Developer Challenge, um desafio criado pela Health 2.0, empresa que organiza a incrível Conferência 2.0, em que se busca criar desafios patrocinados para que empreendedores, profissionais de saúde, designers e geeks criem novos aplicativos baseados em desafios propostos por grandes empresas como a WalGreens, uma das maiores redes de farmácia americana. Em benefício dos empreendedores brasileiros, muitos destes desafios são online e os participantes podem participar remotamente, mandando suas soluções para competir com aplicativos desenvolvidos no mundo tudo. Uma ótima vitrine para você mostrar que sua idéia vale um negócio e dar asas à sua imaginação.

Saiba mais sobre o Health 2.0 Developer Challenge:


Saiba mais sobre a Conferência Health 2.0:


Alguns dos desafios que estão valendo atualmente:

Health 2.0 Developer Challenge

Getting More Startups Focused on Health


Could it be true? Is venture funding on the mend after it’s collapse in 2008? Some would say that the amount of capital invested is on the rise, and new funding streams are providing an excellent opportunity for startups to start getting funded again. But is this also true for health or healthcare startups?  After leaving Google recently, I have been spending time talking to various startups and VC firms that are interested in health and healthcare apps. I am encouraged by what I see.

There seems to be a handful of seed accelerators and government initiatives focused on stimulating innovation in the consumer and provider health tech space. New incubators like Rock Health and Startup Health, an arm of the Startup America Partnership are trying to encourage attention to this vertical. Other cool platforms such as the Quantified Self movement, ONC’s Investing in Innovations (i2) Initiative, and this week’s impending announcement of the SMArt (Substitutable Medical Apps, Reusable Technologies) Challenge Apps are creating some fresh buzz.  But what I find even more interesting is that broader tech accelerators like YCombinator, and 500 Startups are also starting to fund some health startups (checkout and Evoz).

While I am making my rounds, I cannot help but make a shameless plug for some of my ex Googler friends at 500 Startups. In case you have not heard of them yet, 500 Startups is a $40 million Super Angel investment fund that was founded by former PayPal executive, Dave McClure and Christine Tsai, former Google Marketing pro who ranGoogle I/O.  They provide early-stage seed funding ($10K to $250K) and have over 140 experienced startup mentors around the world that help with product design and data and customer acquisition. 500 Startups holds a series of events on all kinds of things relating to startup success. In fact, check out the event they are hosting this Saturday, June 25th from 1-6pm called “‘Design a Healthy Startup: Prevent Burn Out.” This event will feature 500 Startup founders and entrepreneurs from HealthTap, EcoFactor, Google, Facebook and Zynga. Demos from cool new startups in the wellness space like Dojo,Habit Labs, and FitSquid, will also be presenting. Read more about the event or sign up to attend this Saturday.

Missy Krasner spent several years helping getting Google Health off the ground, and before that was David Brailer’s right-hand woman at ONC.

Fonte: Health Care Blog

Over the past few months Heath 2.0 has been running a series of code-a-thon competitions, making stops in San Francisco, Washington DC, and Boston. These code-a-thons bring developers, designers, and healthcare professionals together to explore ideas and prototype new healthcare tools. These fast one-day events not only spark ideas to improve health wellness, but also push teams to turn their ideas into working prototypes.

After the initial competition, team freeHealth continued to develop the concept with our multi-disciplinary team and met regularly to prepare a demo-worthy prototype for the Health 2.0 Spring Fling conference. Dr. Kao and Connie Chen, a UCSF med student, applied their healthcare perspective to all the medical content and also contributed to the overall design process. For example, Connie helped sketch out a printout patient can take to their doctors to provide context and discuss recommendations and Dr. Kao took the printout and tested it out with doctors at his clinic. This intersection of skill sets was an advantage as we could make informed decisions and move quickly.

Last week, at the Health 2.0 conference in San Diego, team freeHealth, along with eight finalists from all three cities, demoed our apps to the audience for live judging. Some of the notable projects presented by other Code-a-thon teams were:

•    Team MIT Media Lab built a plugin to visualize the evolution of cataracts that connected two projects: MetraCataraca, a mobile add-on used to evaluate cataracts, and CollaboRythm, their open source telehealth system.

•    Team Maya created a text-based app that lets local people request healthy food from local farmers in “food deserts,” areas without access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

•    Team Triangle used the XBOX Kinect to measure and score patient’s involuntary limb movement to create platform to normalize an Abnormal Involuntary Movement scale.

After two full days of engaging speakers, presentations, and conversations in topics ranging from wellness and prevention to new patient engagement models in research, Team freeHealth came in as runner-up in the developer challenge! Team Triangle won first place, and Team Maya won People’s choice. We’d like to thank Health 2.0 for guiding us through this journey–specifically the producers of the developer challenge, Liz Rockett and Lizzie Dunklee.

By asking three simple questions, the freeHealth application helps patients identify eligible preventive services and take action by connecting to local physicians. We make the available government information targeted and approachable as we surface the nearby physician contact information based zip codes.

We continue to look for ways of streamlining the connection from information to action by further targeting physician suggestions and specific distribution channels. We are looking for better ways of suggest specific physicians based on an individual’s insurance and in-network coverage and we are exploring different approaches to making this widely accessible in avenues such as insurance websites, employer health portals, and clinic websites, and free clinics. We feel it’s a worthwhile effort and are certainly open to partnerships to help us achieve these goals.

Health 2.0 provided the interdisciplinary environment for this project to spark. Each person of our team of designers, healthcare professionals, and developers contributed not only to the concept, but also building out the prototype. The quick and nimble nature of the project, and it’s 6 week deadline, created both an urgency and excitement towards delivery. These incredible events bring together passionate people to explore, collaborate, and drive innovation in healthcare, and we are thrilled to be a part of it.

Fonte: Suelyn Yu, Blog Design Mind, 25/04/2011